Quirky, sophisticated, whimsical, clever...

Whatever the call, we challenge the boundaries

with a vibrant, refreshing approach

to animation!


"The Adventures of Riley"

Pilot created for Eaglemont Productions

in association with Post Modern Co., Denver, Colorado

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Little Wolf Pictures

is a unique blend of artists with vision,

diverse styles, and an unerring eye for detail.

Our credits span over 25 years

in the industry.



Pilot produced for Josh Hancock & Howard Carey

We Tell Good Stories.

Character, rhythm, texture, shades of drama -

all artfully crafted to captivate an audience.



Designed and Produced for the

Denver Art Museum's Interactive Children's African Exhibit

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We've experienced the benefits and energy of

co-productions. From Games to T.V. and Features -

we always enjoy new opportunities to

collaborate with other creatives.


Animation Direction & Production

in association with DNA Productions

for Weird Al Yankovich/Dick Clark Productions

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